, suponho). O fatiamento de Python admite índices negativos, omissão de índices e índices maiores que o tamanho da seqüência.Exemplos:
>>> "abcdef"[3:6]
>>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5][:3]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> [1,2,3,4,5][:-3]
[1, 2]
>>> [1,2,3,4,5][-3:]
[3, 4, 5]
>>> [1,2,3,4,5][-10:]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A seguir está uma implementação de algo parecido para Chicken, que funciona com listas, vetores, strings e permite a adição de fatiadores personalizados para o procedimento
.#!/usr/bin/csi -script
(use (srfi 1 13))
(define slice
(let ()
(define (positive? n) (> n 0))
(define (negative? n) (< n 0))
(define (both-positive? n m) (and n m (>= n 0) (>= m 0)))
(define (from/to from to len)
((and from (> from len)) ; [XXX:2]
((and (both-positive? from to) ; [1:2]
from to
(> to from)
(< to len))
(cons from to))
((and (both-positive? from to) ; [1:XXX]
from to
(> to from)
(>= to len))
(cons from len))
((and (both-positive? from to) ; [2:1]
from to
(> from to))
((and from ; [-1:]
(< from 0)
(not to))
(cons (if (>= (abs from) len)
(+ len from))
((and (not from) ; [:-1]
(< to 0))
(cons 0
(if (>= (abs to) len)
(+ len to))))
((and from ; [1:]
(>= from 0)
(not to))
(cons from len))
((and from to ; [-2:-1]
(< from 0)
(< to 0)
(< to from))
((and from to ; [-1:-2]
(< from 0)
(< to 0))
(cons (if (>= (abs from) len)
(+ len from))
(if (>= (abs to) len)
(+ len to))))
(else #f)))
(define (generic-slicer obj from to ruler empty obj-slicer)
(let* ((len (ruler obj))
(from&to (from/to from to len))
(from (and from&to (car from&to)))
(to (and from&to (cdr from&to))))
(if (and from to)
(obj-slicer obj from to)
(define (string-slice s from to)
(generic-slicer s from to string-length "" substring))
(define (list-slice l from to)
(generic-slicer l from to length '()
(lambda (l from to)
(take (drop l from) (- to from)))))
(define (vector-slice v from to)
(define (subvector vector start end)
(let ((sub (make-vector (- end start))))
(let loop ((i 0))
(if (< i (- end start))
(begin (vector-set! sub i (vector-ref vector (+ i start)))
(loop (+ i 1)))))
(generic-slicer v from to vector-length '#() subvector))
(let ((slicers
(list (lambda (obj)
(and (string? obj)
(lambda (obj)
(and (vector? obj)
(lambda (obj)
(and (list? obj)
(lambda (obj #!optional from to)
(if (procedure? obj)
(set! slicers (cons obj slicers))
(let loop ((slicers slicers))
(if (null? slicers)
(error "No slicer for the given object.")
(let* ((slicer (car slicers))
(slice (slicer obj)))
(if slice
(slice obj from to)
(loop (cdr slicers)))))))))))
Abaixo está o arquivo de teste do código de fatiamento (usando a extensão test), o qual também serve como exemplo de uso.
#!/usr/bin/csi -script
(use test)
(load "slice.scm")
;;; Strings
(define s "1234567")
(display "s = ")
(pp s)
(test "" (slice s 0 0))
(test "" (slice s 1 0))
(test "1" (slice s 0 1))
(test "" (slice s 10 10))
(test "1234567" (slice s 0 10))
(test "" (slice s 10 0))
(test "1234567" (slice s 0))
(test "7" (slice s -1))
(test "" (slice s 10))
(test "1234567" (slice s -10))
(test "4567" (slice s -4))
(test "" (slice s -4 -4))
(test "45" (slice s -4 -2))
(test "" (slice s -4 -10))
(test "123" (slice s -10 -4))
;;; Lists
(define l '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
(display "l = ")
(pp l)
(test '() (slice l 0 0))
(test '() (slice l 1 0))
(test '(1) (slice l 0 1))
(test '(2 3) (slice l 1 3))
(test '() (slice l 10 10))
(test '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice l 0 10))
(test '() (slice l 10 0))
(test '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice l 0))
(test '(7) (slice l -1))
(test '() (slice l 10))
(test '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice l -10))
(test '(4 5 6 7) (slice l -4))
(test '() (slice l -4 -4))
(test '(4 5) (slice l -4 -2))
(test '() (slice l -4 -10))
(test '(1 2 3) (slice l -10 -4))
;;; Vectors
(define v '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
(display "v = ")
(pp v)
(test '#() (slice v 0 0))
(test '#() (slice v 1 0))
(test '#(1) (slice v 0 1))
(test '#(2 3) (slice v 1 3))
(test '#() (slice v 10 10))
(test '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice v 0 10))
(test '#() (slice v 10 0))
(test '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice v 0))
(test '#(7) (slice v -1))
(test '#() (slice v 10))
(test '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (slice v -10))
(test '#(4 5 6 7) (slice v -4))
(test '#() (slice v -4 -4))
(test '#(4 5) (slice v -4 -2))
(test '#() (slice v -4 -10))
(test '#(1 2 3) (slice v -10 -4))
;;; Custom object
(define-record custom-string text)
(define s (make-custom-string "custom string"))
(slice (lambda (obj)
(and (custom-string? obj)
(lambda (obj from to)
(substring (custom-string-text obj) from to))))))
(display "s = ")
(pp s)
(test "" (slice s 0 0))
(test "" (slice s 1 0))
(test "c" (slice s 0 1))
A seguir está a saída da execução do programa de teste:
s = "1234567"
(slice s 0 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 1 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 0 1) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 10 10) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice s 0 10) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 10 0) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 0) .................................... [ PASS]
(slice s -1) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice s 10) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice s -10) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s -4) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice s -4 -4) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice s -4 -2) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice s -4 -10) ............................... [ PASS]
(slice s -10 -4) ............................... [ PASS]
l = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(slice l 0 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 1 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 0 1) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 1 3) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 10 10) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice l 0 10) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 10 0) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice l 0) .................................... [ PASS]
(slice l -1) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice l 10) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice l -10) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice l -4) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice l -4 -4) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice l -4 -2) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice l -4 -10) ............................... [ PASS]
(slice l -10 -4) ............................... [ PASS]
v = #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(slice v 0 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 1 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 0 1) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 1 3) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 10 10) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice v 0 10) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 10 0) ................................. [ PASS]
(slice v 0) .................................... [ PASS]
(slice v -1) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice v 10) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice v -10) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice v -4) ................................... [ PASS]
(slice v -4 -4) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice v -4 -2) ................................ [ PASS]
(slice v -4 -10) ............................... [ PASS]
(slice v -10 -4) ............................... [ PASS]
s = #<custom-string>
(slice s 0 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 1 0) .................................. [ PASS]
(slice s 0 1) .................................. [ PASS]
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